The purpose of this site is to show truckers our appreciation and to bring glory to God.

We give God all the glory and honor for allowing us the privilege to share with you how He has brought us through the death of our son. And through our loss He has given us a burden and a love for those men and women who travel the highways day and night, sometimes risking their lives to deliver the products that help keep our country running.

In Memory of Grinch

June 1966 - October 1999

Dearest Son:

It's been a long and painful road
winding back to you.
I'm remembering the sorrow
I have been going through.
Your sudden absence left a hole
deep within my heart.
I could not accept the thought
that we should have to part.

I looked for reason and for blame,
Now that my life was not the same.
My heart, then filled with pain and anger,
as I had never known,
Searching hard for answers
that to me were still unknown.

Today, I've stumbled on some truths;
that have opened up my eyes.
My heart has opened up again
to let new love inside.
Along came understanding
and a willingness to hide,
all pain and anger long over due,
for a new place to reside.

I remember you so fondly,
but now can let you go.
I find no need to search for blame,
and answers I can't know.
You'll always have my love with you
and yours is here with me;
Till that day we're reunited in blissful eternity.
Mom and Dad

The author of this poem is unknown. If you know who wrote it, please let me know so I can obtain proper permission to use it.

The Road to Peace

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. - Psalm 32:8

Grinch's Mountain
Penna Interstate 80 eastbound - mile marker 152
The cross is not meant to be a distraction to passers by but a reminder to drive carefully.
Isn't that an awesome promise! And to claim it for ourselves, all we have to do is ask Jesus to come into our heart and be willing to let him have control of our life.

You can joke about Christianity; you can laugh or ridicule it, but the fact remains God changes lives!

Faith cannot be forced on anyone. All we can do is tell you what he has done for us. Beyond that, it is your choice. Christ died for your sin and mine. He was resurrected and lives. He has the infinite capacity to enter your life, to forgive you, and change you from the inside out.

It's as simple as saying from your heart:

Dear God,
I know I am a sinner and I need your forgiveness. I believe Jesus died in my place to pay the penalty for my sin and that he rose again. Please come into my heart and by the power of your Holy Spirit, help me to be the person you want me to be.

If you have chosen to pray that prayer then you have just become a child of God. Do not trust your feelings, for they will change. Trust God's word. It never changes. Ask him to make your faith and love for him stronger each day. You now have an ever-present helper to guide you through any circumstances.

Spend time in the Word (Bible). It is his letter to us. How can you know someone you do not spend time with?

Someone once said, "You have to be out of your mind to be a Christian." I agree! We are to have the mind of Christ. We are to empty our minds of selfishness and fill our minds with things that please our Lord. To learn what pleases him, we must spend time in his word and pray.

If we can be of any help to you, or you have any questions about the content of this page, please e-mail us.

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The Trucker's Prayer
Dear God above bless this truck I drive
And help me keep someone alive
Be my mortal sight this day
On streets where little children play
Bless my helper fast asleep
When the night is long and deep
And keep my cargo safe and sound
Through the hours big and round
Make my judgment sound as steel
And be my hands upon the wheel
Bless the traveler going past
And teach him not to go so fast
Give me the strength for every trip
So I may care for what they ship
And make me mindful every mile
That life is just a little while
Special thanks to artist Danny Hahlbohm for creating the graphic of the silver truck in Jesus' hands especially for us, and for his permission to modify it for use in this background.
Trucker's Prayer is used by permission.
The Trucker's Prayer
Dear God above bless this truck I drive
And help me keep someone alive
Be my mortal sight this day
On streets where little children play
Bless my helper fast asleep
When the night is long and deep
And keep my cargo safe and sound
Through the hours big and round
Make my judgment sound as steel
And be my hands upon the wheel
Bless the traveler going past
And teach him not to go so fast
Give me the strength for every trip
So I may care for what they ship
And make me mindful every mile
That life is just a little while
Special thanks to artist Danny Hahlbohm for creating the graphic of the silver truck in Jesus' hands especially for us, and for his permission to modify it for use in this background.
Trucker's Prayer is used by permission.
The Trucker's Prayer
Dear God above bless this truck I drive
And help me keep someone alive
Be my mortal sight this day
On streets where little children play
Bless my helper fast asleep
When the night is long and deep
And keep my cargo safe and sound
Through the hours big and round
Make my judgment sound as steel
And be my hands upon the wheel
Bless the traveler going past
And teach him not to go so fast
Give me the strength for every trip
So I may care for what they ship
And make me mindful every mile
That life is just a little while
Special thanks to artist Danny Hahlbohm for creating the graphic of the silver truck in Jesus' hands especially for us, and for his permission to modify it for use in this background.
Trucker's Prayer is used by permission.